Corporate social responsibility – BURY for the city
BURY is one of the largest employers in the Mielec Special Economic Zone. The fact that it employs nearly 2,000 employees, exists near the city’s metropolitan area, and has a close and friendly relationship with the city government, means that BURY as a company identifies with the local community and in many cases seeks to participate in events of a sporting, educational and cultural nature. The company supports ventures within the scope of city events.

20th Anniversary of the signing of the declaration of cooperation between Mielec and Löhne
On July 15, 2002, the signing of a declaration of a partnership between the cities of Mielec and Löhne took place. It specifies that the exchange of ideas and experiences and friendly cooperation will be realized in the fields of culture, education, sports, and the economy and administration of the residents of the two cities.
The “godfather” of the agreement is Henry Bury.
Visit of the Mayor of Löhne to Mielec
As part of the cities’ cooperation, the Mayor of Löhne Bernd Poggemöller visited BURY in Mielec on April 12, 2019. During the meeting with Bernadetta Dzik – CEO, he said: I thought the company was smaller. I didn’t know there were so many recipients of individual components. I had no idea that I would see the full production process, from raw material to finished product.
I am very impressed. I feel honored to have had an insight into a high-tech company. I am proud that we have established contact between Löhne and Mielec, and that the cities work together hand in hand
Mielec youth on a visit to Löhne
The Stanislaw Konarski High School in Mielec, thanks to the signed partnership between the cities of Mielec and Löhne, is cooperating with the Bertolt-Brecht-Gesamtschule in Löhne.
Promoters of this cooperation over the years have been Antoni Rejman, a German language teacher at the school in Mielec, and Volker Hegemann, a chemistry teacher at the school in Löhne.
Stanislaw Konarski High School Youth Choir from Mielec on a visit to Löhne
Since the beginning of the city partnership, BURY has regularly invited the Stanislaw Konarski High School Youth Choir in Mielec to perform in Westphalia. The choir has for more than 40 years and is currently one of the best in Poland, owing its successes to its long-time director Paweł Lis. The youth and choir exchange is co-sponsored by BURY.
Financing the release of the album of the Polish Song and Dance Ensemble “Rzeszowiacy”
BURY has financed the release of a commemorative CD with recordings of the Polish Song and Dance Ensemble “Rzeszowiacy”. It is one of the oldest song and dance ensembles in this part of Poland. Once active at WSK Mielec, it “rubbed shoulders” with professionals and was regarded as a leading representative of Polish folklore on world stages along with the “Mazowsze” and “Silesian” choirs.
Despite the passage of time, the artistic condition of the ensemble is still awe-inspiring.

FKS Stal Mielec 80th Anniversary Run
About 700 participants from across Poland came to Mielec Airport on April 14, 2019, to celebrate the 80th anniversary of FKS Stal Mielec, a soccer club established in 1939 at the then-developing aircraft factory in Mielec. Over the years, the players have continuously provided residents and fans with fantastic emotions, and together with their achievements have contributed to the history of club soccer in Poland. The club’s anniversary attracted many running enthusiasts from the city and surrounding areas. BURY was one of the sponsors of the event.
IX Mielec Science and Technology Festival
Astronautics, artificial intelligence, electromobility, programming and many other attractions that stir children’s and young people’s imaginations are on the agenda of the Technology and Science Festival in Mielec every year. BURY has supported the city’s event for several years by acting as one of the festival’s sponsors.
foto: Marcin Myśliwiec