
is development in which the needs of the present generation can be met without diminishing the chances of future generations to meet them.

The World Commission on Environment and Development’s 1987 report.
/Brundtland Report/


Sustainability integrated into BURY’s corporate strategy

In recent years, the company has faced challenges due to very high economic growth. In defining the BURY Group’s strategy, the Board of Directors made every effort to balance economic, social and environmental aspects.

Together with our stakeholders, we have defined and are continuously adjusting goals and policies, based on the 3E FOR SUSTAINABILITYconcept: harmony between the needs of our employees, our Earth and our business, of which engineering is a pillar.

We are ready to face new challenges in the coming years, related to CO2 reduction, changing environmental legislation and a growing labor market. Together with our employees, we hope to ensure the continued healthy growth of the BURY Group.

Our vision

As the BURY Group, we are building our approach to sustainability based on three foundations: Engineering, Employees and Earth. The development of each of these aspects must complement each other to change the outlook and shape of the business.

In accordance with the principles of the Global Reporting Initiative, we have created a Sustainability Report. We selected issues for each area that have a significant impact on our organization and stakeholders.


Respect for nature and the rational use of resources the Earth provides us with are both examples of maturity and foresight. At every stage of shaping our products, we think about environmental aspects. We evaluate production processes, materials used, and opportunities to reduce electricity consumption and the waste generated. This allows our customers to reduce the carbon footprint of the final product. We consider taking care of the environment to be a great responsibility and a privilege at the same time. Bury supports building environmental awareness among employees, and also takes an active part in social environmental campaigns.


  • Environmental and energy management systems – We operate on the basis of environmental and energy management systems: ISO 14001, ISO 50001, which help us to achieve better and better results in the mentioned areas.
  • Renewable energy sources – We responsibly choose our energy supplier. In Mielec, about 75% of energy is commonly named “green energy” – an energy mix involving solar, wind, and biomass. In Loehne, it’s about 50%. We are also focusing on solutions that will allow us to produce green energy to cover part of our energy needs. We are in the design phase of a photovoltaic and solar power installation for the plant in Mielec. We will also introduce these solutions in other locations.
  • Waste management– Our production processes are monitored and evaluated at every stage – including waste management. We strive to generate as little waste as possible. Their segregation is standard procedure for us. We group waste that is later collected by external companies. Some of the waste, like plastics or paper, can be recycled. We utilize returnable packaging , and we are developing a strategy to increase the proportion of recycled materials in our products. The standard practice is for garbage containers to be accessible and marked in a clear and visible manner.
  • Green initiatives and actions for the Earth– BURY goes all out to contribute to the environment. This ranges from conducting public, pro-environmental education campaigns, organizing the collection of used batteries and accumulators, as well as to holding public initiatives entitled: “Let’s plant a forest.” On an autumn weekend day in 2021, employees of the Mielec plant, under the guidance of the Mielec Forestry Division, went to a nearby forest, where they planted half a thousand linden seedlings, completing the planting in a larch and oak forest stand.
  • Electrification of the car fleet – In adopting solutions that contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, we have embraced the principle that when changing the car fleet, we will replace older, combustion engine models – with electric or hybrid vehicles.


BURY’s philosophy is that a company’s productivity and growth start with its employees. We treat investment in human resources equally along with investment in material goods. We support the development of our employees and encourage self-improvement. We are pleased that the company’s ambitions and priorities coincide with the aspirations of our employees, motivating them to act and develop their personal potential. We are open to ideas and initiatives and the safety and comfort of our staff is the top priority for us.


  • Occupational Health and Safety Management System – Safety, health and ergonomic working conditions for our employees are paramount in our company. For this reason, we have implemented a management standard, based on ISO 45001 . We are proud that the number of occupational accidents with serious injuries in 2021, at all locations, was zero.
  • Code of Conduct – We respect human rights and comply with regulations. We have adopted the ISO 26000 guidelines for social responsibility in our company policy. We trust that building relationships based on respect and integrity will result in success. We have introduced a cross-cultural project management system in all locations and organize trainings in Mielec for new employees from Mexico.
  • Standards for suppliers – Human rights are a key issue at our facilities, as well as when it comes to our suppliers. We promote freedom of employment choice, equal opportunities and gender equality. We strongly oppose any abuse in the workplace. Discrimination and child labor are prohibited. We protect our employees and expect the same from our suppliers and customers. We participate in the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI), which has been safeguarding us from the use of commonly named conflict minerals since 2013.
  • BURY Soft Academia – We launched our own programming training program for employees at the Mielec plant in 2021. The educational project “Programming Study” includes learning the basics of programming, lectures and, above all, practical exercises in the form of workshops. Classes are conducted by qualified and experienced engineering and technical staff. Each of our employees has the opportunity to apply to the academy. Participation gives you the opportunity to upgrade your qualifications with specific skills that open the way to a career in R&D or IT departments.
  • Promoting a healthy lifestyle – The old saying goes: “A sound mind in a sound body.” The management is well aware of this, so in the Bury group we have benefits in the form of a gym pass. We encourage people to commute by bicycle, and we are adapting the infrastructure for this by building a bicycle parking lot. Bury also participates in community sports initiatives, sponsoring the FKS Stal Mielec 80th Anniversary Run, taking honorary patronage of the event: Run on the occasion of the 550th Anniversary of the Localization of the City of Mielec and the 25th anniversary of the SEZ or Gaszyn Challenge – an initiative combining the promotion of physical activity with help for the people in need.


Another “E” in our 3E FOR SUSTAINABILITY strategy is responsible for engineering in the broadest sense. The company’s philosophy of “All under one roof, all from one source” makes the range of manufacturing processes very broad, including mechanical, material, electronic and computer engineering projects, among others.
The idea of sustainability accompanies us at every stage of product development, as well as the tools and automation prepared for manufacturing.

We thoroughly analyze data, look at processes and continuously optimize them. Our intention is to make the most of today’s available technologies, keeping in mind the environmental, economic and social context.


  • Providing the customer with a compliant product – Providing the customer with a quality product is a priority for Bury. Our equipment undergoes a series of thorough tests to meet the exacting standards of the automotive industry as well as additional requirements that we impose on ourselves, thus raising the bar. The efforts have been recognized and awarded many times.
  • Materials – We are a participant in the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI), which has been protecting us from the use of so-called Conflict Minerals since 2013. These are raw materials such as tin, tantalum, wolfram, gold – used in a number of industries. Sourced from regions of armed conflict, they indirectly contribute to their financing and their extraction is often dangerous and leads to human rights violations.
  • R&D Center BURY Sp. z o.o. – An engineering center has been opened in Mielec. We are focused on research and development of new products to meet the technological expectations of the modern world and our customers.
  • Automotive SPICE – We are a manufacturer that takes software development processes very seriously. They are fully managed and defined. Level 2 of the Automotive SPICE® requirements is both a source of pride and motivation for us to continue our efforts to get to Level 3.   Level 2 → Level3
  • New technologies & products – The range of our products is gradually being expanded, but this also applies to the technology we have. In Mielec, Poland, an aluminum foundry was established and in Huamantla, Mexico, we opened an injection molding department to meet the needs and also the opportunities of the automotive market on the American continent.
  • Safety (ISMS / CSMS) – Information Safety Management System: VDA ISA certification gives us and our customers a sense of security and stability and provides a level of freedom that helps make sound business decisions.
  • Cyber Security Management SystemZdefiniowanie nowych ról w organizacji – Defining new roles in the organization – Cyber Security Manager / Cyber Security Manager was defined in 2021, Cyber Security Software Development Process based on ISO 21434 established, Certification of Cyber Security Management System for ISO 21434 planned for 2022.

BURY in figures – 2022/2023

  • The number of accidents at work with serious injuries in all locations: 0
  • The number of engineers: 590
  • Employment structure by gender at the Mielec plant: 998 women, 830 men
  • The number of participants in Bury Soft Academia: 40
  • The number of people using Multi-Sport: 186 – 2022, 261 – 2023
  • The number of people using the MEDYK medical package: 320
  • Percentage of renewable energy: 100% in Mielec
  • Recovery of plastics from injection molding processes: 98 tons
  • Regranulate used in production: 8 tons
  • The amount of batteries delivered to BIOSYSTEM as part of the collection: 103 kg
  • The total percentage of waste recovered for recycling and used as alternative fuels: 70%
  • Estimated energy production from the planned expansion of the photovoltaic installation: 544,000 kW → CO2 emissions reduction of 380 tons/year
  • The number of optimization actions implemented based on KAIZEN proposals: 57

The achievements of 2022 – 2023 are just the beginning:

  • The first certification in the country for a Cybersecurity Management System (CSMS) at the Mielec plant – Poland
  • Compliance with Conflict Minerals regulations – responsible sourcing of minerals
  • Maximize reuse of injection moulding material (8.2t in 2022)
  • Only LED lighting is used throughout the entire company
  • Reuse of heat created during injection moulding process for warming the production halls
  • The implementation of the Wunda system has improved energy efficiency through precise temperature management
  • Reduction in the use of chemicals and the elimination of substances with high environmental toxicity
  • Participation in the “Earth Hour” campaign, supporting global environmental protection efforts by symbolically turning off lights and promoting a sustainable lifestyle
  • Improvement in material efficiency and reduction of paper-based circulation of invoices and requests
  • Implementation of a closed water circulation system in production processes
  • Over 90% completion of planned training and development programs
  • Support for youth development through the implementation of regular internships and apprenticeships

…because the future is our goal – 3E strategic goals














Each year all locations providing NQC Reports with fulfilled all customer requirements

Download the Sustainability Policy Report in BURY